Walker's Trans Marginal Ultrasound PROBE

Wisconsin’s Walker: ‘I don’t have any problem with ultrasound’

It is a profound example of big government run amok: the bill Scott Walker intends to sign puts politics between people and their doctors, on purpose, requiring invasive medical procedures to satisfy the agenda of a right-wing culture war. Maddow Blog

Another holiday signing

To escape the ultrasonic radar of the active press and public, Walker signed the bill into law when attention was focused elsewhere, on July 5 at about 4:00 in the afternoon. You may not be surprised by the timing if you will remember that he has a habit of choosing times of low public attention to make controversial moves – he made the final payment of $247,554 to his John Doe, legal defense fund earlier this year on Good Friday.Read “Walker’s Good Friday Denial

In the case of the transvaginal ultrasound signing, the ACLU was watching:

The ACLU of Wisconsin filed a lawsuit challenging the law, citing the fact that the law places medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion providers that would severely restrict women’s access to safe and legal abortion in a state where access is already heavily restricted. There are only four health centers in Wisconsin providing safe and legal abortion services, and two of those centers could be forced to close as a result of Walker’s law.Blogging Blue

Time for a Trans Marginal Probe for Walker

Transvaginal Probe for Women

For a transvaginal ultrasound, the doctor or technician covers a sensor with a condom and some jelly before inserting it into your vagina. When the sensor is in place, a picture will appear on a video screen. The technician or doctor moves the sensor in your vagina to see the uterus and ovaries from many different views.Health Harvard Edu.

Transmarginal Probe for Walker

For a transmarginal probe of Walker we will jelly-up and lubricate the sensors and slide it into his student life at Marquette University, and a picture will appear on the video screen. We move the sensor into the past from Milwaukee to Green Bay and the truth and the cover-up appear from different views.

The first picture showing up on the screen is the account of Dr. Bernadette Gillick, who is described as a college professor at a major Midwestern university in the article WCM Co Op that appeared in the WCM Co Op article in June of 2012 shortly before Walker’s recall election.

Dr. Gillick’s motivation and credibility are impeccable gillicksmand demonstrate that her revelations relating to Scott Walker where not politically motivated, but rather, came from a sense of compassion she has demonstrated through her career of working with children who are stroke victims.

Two-Time Scholarship Recipient Bernadette Gillick, PT, MS, Studies Constraint-Induced
Movement Therapy. Not only has she worked as a clinician forover 17 years and as an instructor at a number of universities, but she has earned an Advanced Masters Degree in Neurologic Physical Therapy and is now making her mark in physical therapy research and pursuing a PhD in Rehabilitation Science at the University of Minnesota.
Dr. Gillick’s motivation and credibility Dr. Gillick PDF

Through her attorney, Mike Fargione, she issued a statement: “It is rare that you will ever hear from me on issues of politics, as I am a firm believer that most politics are local and can be as local as our own kitchen tables. But I’m asking you to consider what I have to share …

The incidents described below all took place when Scott Walker was running for Student Body President at Marquette in the late 1980’s.

Dr. Gillick reveals:

She was assigned a room in O’Donnell Hall (then a women’s dormitory at Marquette), which she shared with her new roommate, Ruth (not her real name). Ruth was dating Scott Walker, who was 20 at the time, and, according to Bernadette, Ruth was deeply in love with him.

Ruth found out she was pregnant. She informed her boyfriend, Scott, and initially he was supportive. That support changed to callous indifference for his girlfriend’s predicament after Scott informed his parents of the pregnancy.

He [Scott] went from encouraging her to get an abortion, to telling me [Dr. Gillick] it was in my best interest to keep my mouth shut, to denying that he was the father and having his own mother call her and tell her to stop erroneously accusing her son of paternity,”

It was a “horrible time” for her friend. “Imagine her being 18 years old and pregnant, walking around Marquette’s Jesuit Catholic campus with her boyfriend denying he was the father,”

As we probe deeper and closer to the wall of truth, more views appear on the screen as Dr. Gillick’s revelation is met with checks, support and denial”

Daniel Bice Journal Sentinel “No Quarter”

The story broke and was reported across the blogosphere, but on the very next day, and before the account got its legs, it was dismissed by Journal Sentinel “No Quarter” reporter, Daniel Bice in a statement that was reported across the net:

“I am getting a lot of emails because of this post. Two things: (1) I tracked down and talked to Dr. Gillick’s freshman-year roommate at MU yesterday, and she adamantly denies that Walker is the father of her child. Yes, she got pregnant as a first-year student, but she believes Dr. Gillick is mixing up stories; and (2) I Can Read CCAP has taken a family court suit involving Scott Alan Walker and mixed it up with the governor, Scott Kevin Walker.

Rebuttal of Bice from Badger Democracy Blog

The Scott Walker referenced in the “Bice” comment of Family Court CCAP record was born in April, 1961. The woman in the record (mother of the child) was born in 1962. There is no possible way Dr. Gillick would confuse, or have even known this “other” Scott Walker, much less been roommates with the mother at Marquette. They are both 6 – 7 years older that any of the parties cited by Dr. Gillick. Badger Democracy

Scott Walker’s Birthday – November 2, 1967 (age 45 years)

Senft, Laura Ann – Petitioner
Laura Ann Senft vs. Scott Alan Walker
Milwaukee County Case Number 2004FA003749
Petitioner Senft, Laura Ann
Respondent Walker, Scott Alan

Circuit Court Access Document
Responsible Official
Sullivan, Michael P.
Branch Id 26

Filing Date 05-21-2004

Party Details
Senft, Laura Ann – Petitioner

Date of Birth 06-1962
Address Updated On 05-24-2004
533 Watson, Aurora, IL 60505

Attorney Name Probst, Jane E

Walker, Scott Alan – Respondent Male

Date of Birth 04-1961

Address: 2108 Hwy 10, Appleton, WI
Address Updated On 05-24-200

Dr. Gillick stickz to her story:

“Gillick has no plans to issue any modified statement or retraction. “It’s still accurate and contains everything she knows, so there’s no reason to rehash it,” he says. “What Bernadette knows is the experience that her roommate had. She doesn’t have anything to add to what she has said.” Not Wavering WCM Co Op Article

The other other Scott Walker case is clearly irrelevant to the allegations against Governor Scott Walker.

So the only fact that goes against Dr. Gillick’s account is that in a phone interview conducted by Bice, the voice of Ruth denied that Governor Scott Walker was the father of her child. That’s it.

The Walker administration made no comment on the allegations. Dr. Gillick was not subject to any libel or defamation suites as a result of her statements.

The story was buried alive

The allegation deflated as quickly as it had grown. Yet, like so many of the facts surrounding the seedy side of Scott Walker, questions were left unanswered. What is it with Walker and all the unanswered questions regarding what he knew, and when he knew it – and I am thinking about a secret email network here.

Then last February I received a CD document in the mail from an anonymous source that purported to reveal the identity of Walker’s Marquette girl friend and the child born of the pregnancy described by Dr. Gillick.

1st the Aniti Choice Day Proclamation, now Transvaginal Ultrasound

Dr. Gillick felt obligated to tell the story of “Ruth” as a reaction to hearing Scott Walker speak of his integrity. As he talked about his “lifelong integrity” her anger grew. This was a man who had abandoned his pregnant young girlfriend — completely turned his back on her at the most fragile point in her life. She notes his “now-convenient ‘pro-life’ proclamations” after burying his past “indiscretion.”

It is one thing to carry the unwanted child allegations on his record. It is quite another make a special proclamation, back in January, to set a day aside as Anti Choice Day, when credible allegations have surfaced that indicate that Gov. Walker may have taken the male advantage of making the very choice that is now proclaimed to be unworthy for women. Now, with his July 5 signing of legislation destined to close all but two clinics in the state to provide women’s health services and abortion, it is time to push the probe deeper toward the truth.

Proceeding with the Walker Marginal Ultrasound

Marquette opened a daycare center in August of 1989 and the event was covered for The Hilltop in an article “A Place to Grow” by glick_DolbeareJodie L. Dolbeare. A business administration major, Jennifer Lowe, is quoted in the article and is pictured holding her one year-old daughter who attends the day care facility while Jennifer is in class.

Jennifer Lowe, a business administration junior, said she enrolled her one-year-old daughter in Marquette’s center for convenience.

Lowe said, “It really means a lot to know my baby is being taken care of while I’m in class. I know my baby is being given the best care possible because everyone here always goes that extra step to make me and my child feel comfortable.

Hilltop article 1990, vol 76 p. 114 (the link opens to the volume a further search for p. 114 is necessary)

Dr.Bernadette Gillick was with Ruth in the hospital for the birth of her child later that year (and says Walker was not present), and later stood up as a bridesmaid in Ruth’s 1992 marriage to another man. She says Walker eventually had to concede that he was the father, after the birth and paternity test.

Remember this is merely an intrusive marginal ultrasound of Walker

The researcher admits up front that the connection between the person identified by Dr. Gillick as “Ruth” is largely circumstantial. However, every aspect of what has been found about “Ruth” comes directly from Marquette University documents and correlates perfectly with Dr. Gillicks story.

Dr. Gillick is quoted as saying she was present for the birth of “Ruth’s” child late in 1988. By the time Dolbeare’s story would have been written for the 1990 Hilltop, the child would have been approximately one year old.

The mother, a junior in the spring of 1990, would have been a sophomore in 1989, and therefore, a freshman in the Spring of 1988 – all consistent with Dr. Gillicks story.

Dr. Gillick was present at the wedding of “Ruth” to another man in 1992

Returning to the Raynor Memorial Library’s e-archives and searching using the link above at 1992 one finds the photo of Jennifer Lowe from Pewaukee, Wisconsin with the seniors.

A journalist's guide to vetting Candidate Walker

Scott Walker For President!

It is a blind arrogance, often interpreted as confidence, that lead to rise of Walker. The same blind arrogance will topple him for his great fall, and his opponents can hardly wait. In fact, many progressives in Wisconsin are openly cheering his most recent announcement that he is open to a 2016 run for (gulp) President of the United States.

But please, all of you “stand with Walker” folks who may be reading this, ignore it. Please go right ahead and with your plans to put Scott Walker into the vetting mill as a candidate for President. Please!

By JONATHAN MARTIN | 3/16/13 7:02 AM EDT


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker acknowledged in an interview Friday that he’s open to a presidential bid and pointedly declined to pledge to serve a full four-year term if he’s reelected next year.

“For me, it’s really a measure of what I’ve accomplished and what more I could accomplish if I was in a different position,” Walker told POLITICO at the Conservative Political Action Conference, where he spoke Saturday morning.

Oh, you will find more skeletons in the Walker closet than in a Halloween toy store!

Opposition political researchers are dedicated to exhuming skeletons in candidates’ closets, from past votes to past marriages. They hope to both protect their clients, and to damage their opponents. And the fruits of that labor often winds up in the headlines.
There is a small industry devoted to the discovery of everything a politician ever said or wrote, every vote cast, meeting attended, every public action and some they might have believed private. Opposition researchers are the hired guns that visit county courthouses and spend countless hours scanning C-SPAN’s political archives for mistakes or misstatements that can be turned into political ammunition or maybe even a bombshell.Dig up the Dirt – NPR report

The Wisconsin Media has failed abysmally in investigative reporting of the Walker administration – go to it all you professional veters!
for dummies

Vetting Candidate Walker for Dummies

for dummiesmIntegrity: The Child Scott Walker Left Behind

Bernadette Gillick was a college freshman in 1988 when she first met Scott Walker. It was spring semester, and she had just transferred to Marquette University. She was assigned a room in O’Donnell Hall (then a women’s dormitory), which she shared with her new roommate, Ruth (not her real name). Ruth was dating Scott Walker, who was 20 at the time, and, according to Bernadette, Ruth was deeply in love with him.
Anti Choice day begs Walker’s DNA

Midway through that spring semester, Bernadette alleges, Ruth found out she was pregnant. She informed her boyfriend, Scott, and initially he was supportive. That support changed to callous indifference for his girlfriend’s predicament after Scott informed his parents of the pregnancy.

(The following information was sent to Free Wisconsin from an anonymous source. This is a partial excerpt of the information on the cd entitled “Connecting the Dots”)

Dr. Gillick’s story vanished from the meda following a cryptic denunciation emailed to the Daily Kos by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel columnist, Daniel Bice.

Call Dr. Glick – She sticks to her story.

Relevant documents can be found at Raynor Memorial Libraries. To see documents, Google “Raynor Memorial Libraries e-Archives”. Within the e-archives, search for “1990 Hilltop”

The Hilltop is the Marquette University’s yearbook. The index (pg.344) of the six Hilltop references Scott Walker* five times (pgs.13,126,127,246,248). Additional references to Walker appear in the 1997 and 1998 Hilltop yearbooks.

* No other Scott Walker appears in the Hilltop during the years 1987-90, supporting Dr. Gillick’s assertion there was not a confusing Scott Kevin Walker for any other Scott Walker.

for dummiesmWhy and under what circumstances did Walker leave Marquette without graduating?
Drop out or kicked out? – Daily Kos

“A former Marquette classmate (Glen Barry) has written about Walker’s time on the Avenue, and intimates quite clearly what has been a persistent rumor in alumni circles — that Walker was asked to leave Marquette due to some academic shenanigans. Thus far, Walker has declined to release his college transcripts, so the question remains open. Noonan’s Law applies — is it irresponsible to speculate? It would be irresponsible not to.”

Free Wisconsin knows of a source that was in the administration during Walker’s years at Marquette who knows the real reason for Walker’s mysterious departure.

for dummiesmWhat did Walker know about the Secret Email Network (John Doe Investigation) and when?

Wisconsin ‘John Doe’ Probe: What Did Walker Know? When Did He Know It?
John Nichols on January 26, 2012 – 5:31 PM ET
The Nation

“But it does raise the classic question from the Watergate era inquiries into the misdeeds of aides to then-President Richard Nixon.”

“Of Nixon it was asked: “What did he know and when did he know it?”

“With the latest charges and the fresh complaint, it is now entirely reasonable to say with regard to Scott Walker: “What did he know and when did he know it?”

The Free Wisconsin Video below uses the words of Arlo Guthre “You said you didn’t know the cats with the bugs were there.” to underscore the similarities between Nixon’s Watergate scandal and Walker’s Walkergate scandal. Is a dark history doomed to repeat itself in a President Walker administration?